This page allows you to create various COVID-19 graphs and to save them for use as you see fit. (The white area is an image.)
How To Create The Graphs
Errors And Oddities About The Data
Where The COVID-19 Data Is Taken From
How To Create The Graphs
Select the names of regions in the menus on the left to add them to the graph. (The regions can be removed from the graph by selecting their names again or by selecting "Remove From Graph" by tapping on the regions' coloured squares below the graph.) There are 10 menu items - 'Regions', 'Total Confirmed Cases' etc. This allows you to select regions that have been sorted alphabetically, by numbers of cases in various ways or by population numbers. Note that with some of the menus there's a checkbox at the bottom to hide US counties. There's a lot of US counties and so this is a way to reduce clutter in the menues if you're not examining the counties. Currently there is a limit of 20 regions on the graph at once.
Two different types of graph lines per region can be shown at once: 'Confirmed Cases' and 'Deaths'. Choose these from the 'Show' checkboxes at the top of the page.
The graph can be further modified by choosing 'Per Capita' Cases (instead of Total Cases), 'Daily' Cases (instead of 'Cumulative Cases') and 'Smooth' which smooths out the Daily Cases based on a seven days average. Per Capita cases are measured in cases per million. Choose these from the 'View' checkboxes at the top of the page.
Errors And Oddities About The Data
Note that the raw data (Confirmed Cases and Deaths) are supposed to be cumulative counts. However, for some regions the daily counts are sometimes less than the day before and sometimes drop to zero. (And sometimes remain there.)
There are a few cruise ships among the 'regions', they being included in the Johns Hopkins' database. Among those, the 'Grand Princess' is located in both Canada and the United States, but with different data. Also, some regions are labeled 'Unassigned' or 'Out of [such and such]'. These are presumably known cases for a region such as within a US state but it's not known which county they should be assigned to.
Where The COVID-19 Data Is Taken From
The graphs are based on data taken from the Johns Hopkins Center for
Systems Science and Engineering COVID-19 database to be found
Also, some of the population data is sourced from Wikipedia: